Wednesday, June 8, 2011


What if this was our prayer every morning when we wake up? 

"Show me your ways, Oh Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. Remember, Oh Lord, your great mercy and love, for they are from of old. Remember not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you are good, Oh Lord." Psalm 25:4-7

What would your day be like if you started out in prayer every morning asking the Lord to guide us in His truth and lead us in His will? I know that mine would most certainly be different than if I woke up and just did my own thing every day not asking the Lord to help me thru the day. How much better would our attitudes be? Our actions and reactions would most likely be different as well. 

Sometimes life move so fast and we don't find time for the Lord and we just go about our day doing our own thing, ignoring the Lord and ignoring the path He has set before us. Trust me, I am not perfect and I admit that there are days when I go about my day doing my own thing, we're all human. Sometimes I will get to work and start my day off and halfway thru realize I had not even thanked the Lord for 1 thing that day or even spent time with Him yet. How selfish of me. 

This is a challenge not only to anyone who is reading this, but also to myself. Spend some time with the Lord today and everyday. Pray Psalm 25. Get to know the Lord. This doesn't mean that everything will happen exactly the way you want it to, it will happen exactly the way the Lord wants it to though! Your day will not be smooth sailing and it definitely does not mean that nothing bad will ever happen to you.  I have learned this the hard way in the past and I am still learning. Walking with the Lord gives you the confidence to know that everything is in His hands and He will take care of you if you let Him! 

My prayer is that this somehow will encourage someone in their walk today. I know writing it has encouraged my walk and I have challenged myself to spend more quality time with the Lord. 

I, by no means am a writer, so please excuse any mistakes or grammatical errors! Once again, not perfect! : )

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