Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Choose JOY

So, I've recently been inspired by a couple of friends to start a blog. I always thought, "nobody will ever read what I have to say, or matter of fact, why would they even care what I have to say?" I guess we will see! : ) I have always been interested in reading my friends blogs and seeing what is going on in their lives and maybe this will be a good way for me to update the few who are interested. 

Yesterday, I looked at the devotional calendar that is on my desk and the verse read, "You make me so happy, God, I saw your work and I shouted for joy." It made me start to wonder, when was the last time that I was SO happy with God and what He is doing and showing me in my life that I shouted for JOY? 

Then I got to thinking, that I should be choosing to be JOYFUL every day of my life. To be flat out honest with you, most days that can be a struggle. Being happy and being joyful are 2 very different things. Happy is an emotion, Joy is a lifestyle. I need to choose to be joyful in my every day life. Will you join with me and CHOOSE JOY today? 

1 comment:

  1. goober!! love the blog lay out and first post! i miss you and want to see you soon. i love you!
